Hello! Welcome to my wonderful world of Brussels Griffons! Along with my amazing dogs, I also raise and train black Arabian show horses, as well as work full time as an RN at my local hospital. Our BG’s go everywhere with us. I even built my home so they can have their own private entrance and exit to their customed designed back yard. I’ve had Griffs since 1991 and am very aware of what to watch for in my breeding stock. Quality is important...in horses and dogs. A breeder should do everything she can to try and produce a puppy who will bring years of love, companionship and joy to its family. Without a list of health problems. This is my motto. Hello all of you wonderful Brussels Griffon Connoisseurs out there! The demand for a well bred, true to Breed standard dog, bred to not have a litany of health issues by a long standing, loyal and knowledgeable breeder has been overwhelming! My prices start at $4500 for AKC limited registration with a solid spay/neuter contract in place. Hopefully the future looks bright for these new unions, but there may be the occasion where something just doesn’t work out. In that case...one never knows if we may have a puppy come free of their contract and deposit. Otherwise, I wish you all the best of luck in finding your perfect little mate and loyal friend ❤️ Text me anytime @ 623-238-0620
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