We are a small family farm and ranch located in Central California, Clover K Ranch and Kennels. We raise dogs that are all-around farm dogs, with what we believe to be potential to go in many directions. We breed for confident, stable temperatments, good health and conformation, athleticism, stamina, health and longevity. We love the Boerboel breed and our adults are family dogs that help guard our property and spend time with us and our kids on the farm, travel with us, show, and go camping with us. We are involved in AKC conformation and Jr. handler showing and are shown by ourselves and our kids. AKC proudly supports dedicated and responsible breeders. We encourage all prospective puppy owners to do their research and be prepared with questions to ask the breeder. Make sure you are not only choosing the right breed for you, but also that you’re getting it from the right individual.
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