I am Kelly Edwards. I live in Princess Anne , MD with my Irish crew. My love affair with Irish Terriers began in 2002. I am absolutely fascinated with the breed and can think of no other dog I would rather have. Over the years I have gotten so much joy in competing in both conformation and obedience with my dogs. My love and appreciation of the breed has been fostered by my mentor, John Childers of Baystone Irish Terriers. As a breeder I can only hope to continue to improve on his fabulous line of Baystone Irish Terriers. Goals: To produce high quality puppies of good structure, temperament, type and health. To show our dogs to their championship so that they may be independently judged as to their quality and soundness as examples of the breed. To make every effort to find suitable, loving, forever homes for our dogs by use of a rigorous selection procedure. To provide owners with advice and support throughout the life of their Ceallach Irish Terrier. AKC proudly supports dedicated and responsible breeders. We encourage all prospective puppy owners to do their research and be prepared with questions to ask the breeder. Make sure you are not only choosing the right breed for you, but also that you’re getting it from the right individual.
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