1 year
This little guy is only 2 weeks old and the eyes are just beginning to open. He is a beautiful da...
TUCK 'N ROLL ACRES CHINESE SHAR-PEI (Since 1979) Sheila Marquart
I first became enthralled with the Chinese Shar Pei breed in the late 80's. I was lucky enough that my mother purchased a horse coat bitch puppy that put me on the breeding ladder for the past 28 years. I started actively showing my Shar Pei in 2000 and have continued up until the present day. I believe in soundness and health first. If your dog, whether it be for a pet or show or any of the athletic competitions, is sound, it will have the ability to do the job you ask of it. If it is healthy, you spend more time enjoying your dog's companionship. I have had numerous judges comment on the soundness of my dogs and that they believed they could do the job required of them. I do not breed for colors. I get the colors I get from the pedigrees I match. This does not mean I don't love all the different colors the breed comes in because I do. I do try to breed for coat. I love the horse coat first and foremost but at this time have lost my lines in the horse coat. My brush coats I try to get as hard as I can so don't be surprised if the coat of one is the same as the other. This does not mean I don't get soft brush coats but they are few and far between. I health check and attempt to CHIC all of my breeding dogs. I also believe in the POAG/PLL DNA test for glaucoma. Presently I only have two dogs that are old enough to breed. One is my veteran, Herbie, and the other is a almost 3-year-old bitch, Eva. Both are CHIC'd and both have had their POAG/PLL test performed. Herbie is clear of glaucoma, while Eva is a carrier. Their past litter has 2 dogs that are clear (the third one we have not tested yet). The present litter tested 3 puppies clear and 2 puppies carriers. I believe in health testing as it is a tool we can use to help breed healthier dogs for the future. I love my dogs and though I am but a small scale breeder, I try my best to breed the best I can. I do use waiting lists.
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