Diane and Kim Callahan are located in Fleetwood, Pennsylvania. Diane is a member of the AKC Parent Club the Bulldog Club of America, AKC Specialty Club the Lenape Bulldog Club of Pennsylvania, and the all breed club the Berks County Dog Training Club. You can find Diane on the referral page for the both Bulldog Club of America and Lenape Bulldog club. Diane and family show their dogs in conformation, agility, performance, obedience, tracking. Diane has been showing for over 30 years. You'll likely see Diane at the Berks County Dog training club training her own dogs, or even teaching a lesson or judging a match show at the club. You can also find her and her daughter Kim referred by PawPointer.com and GoodDog.com as well as numerous past customers, friends, etc. Testimonials from her puppies' new owners can also be seen on their website and Facebook page. We both are also members of the Poodle Club of Lehigh Valley. Puppies are all raised in their family home with children. Puppies receive lots of love and attention daily so they are all very nice and pre-spoiled when they go to their new homes. Puppies are examined by their veterinarian and receive their vaccinations prior to going to their new homes. Puppies are up to date on all age appropriate vaccinations when they go to their new homes. Puppies are guaranteed healthy. Please check out Diane's D and D Bulldogs website http://www.danddbulldogs.com/ and Facebook page D and D Bulldogs https://www.facebook.com/DandDBulldogs for more information on her and her Bulldogs and pictures. Please see her website http://www.danddbulldogs.com/ for more information including the waiting list application. Diane is expected puppies in 2022. Please check out Kim's Standard Poodle website http://www.danddstandardpoodles.com/ and Facebook page D and D Standard Poodles at https://www.facebook.com/danddstandardpoodles/ for more information on her Standard Poodles, as well as pictures and videos. Waiting list applications are being accepted https://www.danddstandardpoodles.com/waitinglist-puppyapplication Kim has a female Standard Poodle puppy ready to go to her new home now. Diane and Kim are both accepting a waiting list for future puppies. Diane and Kim are more than happy to talk to any new owners and answer questions both before and after new owners get their puppy. Please contact us directly such as at our e-mail [email protected] as we do not always receive AKC Marketplace messages into our e-mail inbox and we do not check AKC Marketplace website daily, so for a quick response its best to contact us directly. More contact information including phone number and puppy/waiting list application can be filled out right on our websites. AKC proudly supports dedicated and responsible breeders.
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