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How Many Nipples Do Dogs Have?

Most dog parents have tons of questions about their pets. At Puppy Hero, our goal is to give you answers to the most frequently asked questions about your furry friend, such as how many teeth do dogs have?

If you’ve ever looked at your dog’s underside, you may have noticed two rows of nipples. Maybe this got you wondering how many nipples do dogs have? And does your dog have a normal number of nipples? Keep reading to find out.

What are dog nipples called?

Dog nipples are called teats. The medical term for dog nipples is papillae mammae. Teats are mammary glands covered by skin. They appear as small, round bumps in the skin that are present in two parallel rows on your dog’s tummy.

Do male dogs have nipples?

Yes, male dogs have nipples too. It’s just that the nipples are not prominent in male dogs, so you may not have noticed them. Generally speaking, nipples are more prominent in female dogs with a litter compared to females that are not nursing and male dogs. So, if you have a male dog with a heavy coat or long coat, you can easily miss seeing his nipples. Nipples are somewhat easier to see in male dogs with short coats.

The location of the nipples or teats indicates the location of the breast tissue. Male dogs have the same number of nipples as female dogs. These nipples form early during gestation when the puppies are developing in their mummy’s tummy. However, while female dogs need their teats to feed their puppies, male dogs do not have any real use for their nipples. This is similar to humans and other mammals.

How many nipples does a girl dog have?

Both girl and boy dogs usually have 8-10 nipples or teats, but this can vary. The number of nipples depends on the dog’s size and breed. Smaller dogs may have only 6 nipples and larger dogs can have up to 12 nipples.

Can dogs have nine nipples?

Most dogs have an even number of nipples lined up in two symmetrical rows on their tummies. However, sometimes dogs can have an odd number of nipples, such as 7 nipples or 9 nipples. This is not something to worry about and it does not pose any health risks.

Do all female dogs have 12 nipples?

No, as mentioned, most dogs have 8-10 nipples. Some female and male dogs may have 12 nipples. This is more likely in certain breeds of larger dogs.

Why does my dog only have 7 nipples?

Sometimes dogs don’t develop one nipple fully during gestation, leaving them with an odd number of nipples, such as 7 nipples. The more common finding is an even numbered nipples placed symmetrically in two parallel rows. But a dog with 7 nipples is normal and this will not cause any problems.

Does the number of nipples determine the number of puppies?

The number of nipples does not determine the number of puppies. If your girl dog is expecting, your excitement is understandable. In anticipation of caring for the litter, you may be eager to know how many pups you’ll have on your hands. But counting your girl dog’s nipples will not help. Although most dogs have 8-10 nipples and the average litter size is 5 puppies, this is just a coincidence. You cannot predict the number of puppies by counting your pregnant dog’s nipples.

Do female dogs lose their nipples?

A female dog’s nipples enlarge when she’s pregnant and nursing. Afterwards, they gradually shrink back to normal size over a period of 6-10 weeks. Some female dogs lose their nipples (i.e., shrink them) in as much as 12 months. And in some dogs, the nipples don’t ever shrink down to normal size again.

What do dogs’ nipples look like pregnant?

When a dog is pregnant, her nipples become darker, rounder, and more prominent. In the later stages of the pregnancy, you might notice some milk leaking from your dog’s nipples.

Can female dogs show nipples if not pregnant?

Dogs can experience a condition called phantom pregnancy or false pregnancy. In this condition, the dog shows the physical signs of pregnancy without actually being pregnant. So, a dog with a false pregnancy might gain weight, develop prominent nipples, and even produce milk. The swollen milk glands in the breasts can be uncomfortable and your dog might lick them. This can sometimes lead to infection (mastitis). Some dogs also display nesting behavior during a false pregnancy. This phenomenon is rare and only happens in dogs.

Why do female dogs’ nipples turn black?

If your female dog has swollen nipples that have turned black or dark purple, you should get her to the veterinarian without delay. These could be signs of mastitis (inflammation and infection of the mammary glands). Mastitis is more likely to occur in female dogs who are nursing a litter. If it is a severe infection, the mammary tissues may undergo necrosis (die). A dog who has mastitis may show other signs and symptoms such as fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, and vomiting. Without treatment, mastitis can lead to serious complications like sepsis (bloodstream infection).

Stay tuned to the Puppy Hero blog for more tips and tricks on caring for your doggo and making your pet the best boy or best girl ever. Read information on stopping undesirable dog behaviors like jumping on the couch, eating cat poop, or rolling in dead animals.

24 December, 2022