When you live with a dog, the occasional accident is not unusual. If your dog does a number 1 inside the house, it is relatively easy to mop up. But if your dog does a number 2 and the poop gets into your carpet, it can be a horrifying sight to behold. But you don’t have to freak out. There are ways to get dog poop out of carpet (or your couch or bed) and many pet-safe cleaning solutions to help you. Read on for some tips.
It’s best to clean dog poop from your carpet as soon as possible. Leaving it to clean up later can make the dog poop tougher to get out. However, the above-listed steps work well on dried poop and old poop stains in carpet as well. The only thing is you might have to use some kind of tool such as a fork, brush, or putty knife to loosen dried poop before using the enzymatic cleaner. It also may take a few repeat treatments to get the poop and smell fully out.
These same steps work well to get dog poop out of couches, car seats, and other household surfaces. If your dog has pooped on your bed, in addition to the above steps, you should launder the bed in your washing machine using a pet-safe detergent.
If you don’t have an enzymatic cleaner on hand, you can use other pet-safe household cleaners too. Some items in your pantry can work well to get pet poop out of carpets, including:
If your dog is regularly having accidents and pooping inside the house, losing your cool is not going to do much good. You might have to go back and reinforce house training. Similarly, if your dog has recently started peeing on your bed, identifying the cause and addressing it is important, rather than scolding or punishing your dog. And if your dog has developed the bad habit of eating poop, there are ways to discourage this as well.
22 February, 2024