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How Often Do Dogs Get Rabies Shots?

Vaccinations are a critical part of your dog’s healthcare. But figuring out which ones they need and when can be complicated. Add to that mandatory shots versus recommended shots and it can be even more confusing. However, the rabies vaccine, which is one of the four core vaccines for dogs, is something you can’t afford to forget. In fact, many states require the rabies shot by law. So, how often should dogs get rabies shots?

What are the core vaccinations for dogs?

The four core vaccines for dogs are against rabies, canine parvovirus (CPV), canine adenovirus (CAV), and canine distemper virus (CDV).

Why are rabies shots important for dogs?

Rabies is a potentially fatal viral disease that can affect dogs, cats, horses, cattle, other animals, and humans. It spreads through the bites or scratches of infected animals. Rabies claims thousands of lives each year. A dog infected with rabies can spread the disease to other animals and humans. By making sure your dog is vaccinated against rabies, you can protect everyone in your family, including your furry friend. In the United States, canine rabies has been eradicated for the most part. However, rabies vaccination is important to prevent the re-emergence of the disease.

When should dogs get the rabies shot?

Puppies get their first rabies shot at 14-16 weeks of age, earlier if required by law. Each dog then gets a booster shot one year after the original shot and a booster rabies shot every 3 years thereafter. So, your dog should get a rabies shot at 14-16 weeks, at 1 year of age, at 4 years of age, and every 3 years after that.

Is one shot of rabies vaccine enough for dogs?

No, a one-time vaccination against rabies is not enough for dogs. A dog must receive booster shots of the rabies vaccine every 3 years to remain properly vaccinated.

How often should adult dogs get a rabies booster shot?

The frequency of booster shots will depend on the type of rabies vaccine. Some rabies vaccines are good for one year and others are good for 3 years. The more popular one is the rabies shot that lasts 3 years.

If an adult dog has an unknown vaccination status, they should receive a single dose of the inactivated (killed) rabies vaccine and a booster shot one year later. Following this, they can receive the rabies shot that is approved for administration every 3 years.

How many years does a rabies vaccine last in dogs?

The most popular type of rabies vaccination in dogs is good for 3 years. This 3-year rabies vaccine booster shot is recognized in all 50 states.

What if my dog missed the rabies shot?

If your dog is overdue for a rabies booster shot and you have previous documentation of at least once previous rabies vaccination, then your dog can be revaccinated, kept in your care, and observed for 45 days.

How much does a dog rabies vaccine cost?

The rabies vaccine for dogs is easily available and typically costs $15 to $40 per shot.

What are the side effects of the rabies vaccine in dogs?

Mild injection site reactions (swelling, soreness), fever, tiredness, and loss of appetite are common side effects of the rabies vaccine in dogs. These are temporary and go away in a few days.

Rarely, dogs can have more severe reactions to the rabies vaccine, including diarrhea, vomiting, hives, swelling of the face or muzzle, coughing, trouble breathing, and fainting. You should contact your veterinarian immediately if you notice any abnormal or severe symptoms in your dog after a rabies shot.

Can a dog get rabies after being vaccinated?

Vaccines are not 100% effective. However, rabies infection is rare in vaccinated dogs.

If you’re a new dog parent, there’s a lot you have to learn. Vaccinations are something you cannot afford to be lax about. Talk to your dog’s vet about the recommended vaccination schedule for your puppy and make sure your pooch is up-to-date on all the mandatory shots.

08 December, 2022