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What Do Flea Bites Look Like on Dogs?

Fleas are pinhead-sized dark-brown critters that thrive in warm temperatures and humidity. They jump from shrubs and trees in the environment to an animal host and also from host to host. Your dog can pick up fleas when he is rolling in the grass, for example, or playing with his friends at the dog park. Interestingly, the species of flea that commonly infests our canine friends is called the cat flea. There’s a dog flea too but it is comparatively much rarer.

Many pet owners dread the summer months because of the risk of a flea infestation in their dogs. As mentioned, dogs can contract fleas through contact with other animals or from the environment. Flea bites can cause itchy skin. Some dogs are allergic to fleas and can develop severe symptoms.

But before you can treat your dog for fleas, you have to know how to recognize a flea bite in a dog. Keep reading to find out more.

How do I know if my dog has been bitten by a flea?

In dogs, flea bites look like very small red dots that are slightly raised. While the bites are much smaller than many other types of bites by insects, their small size makes them easier to recognize.

You can tell your dog has flea bites because the area will become inflamed if your dog scratches the itch. Therefore, you should be on the lookout for a red, irritated area of skin.

Your dog may bite their paws or chew at the skin in the area they were bitten by a flea. You may also notice hair loss or scab formation at the site of a flea bite in your dog.

Sometimes you can see the fleas themselves on your dog’s skin. They are 1-3 mm in size and copper colored. Fleas are usually easily visible in dogs with light-colored skin.

What part of a dog’s body are flea infestations common?

Fleas commonly infest a dog’s neck, ears, belly, lower back, and the base of the tail.

What is flea dirt?

Flea dirt looks like pepper-colored specks on your dog’s skin. It is actually the droppings of an adult flea after it has bitten your dog and had a blood meal. If you place flea dirt on a wet paper towel, it changes from brown to red in color after the dried blood becomes rehydrated.

The presence of flea dirt on your dog’s skin is a strong indicator of a flea infestation. There’s a high chance your dog is hosting one or more live fleas that have laid eggs on your dog’s skin. You should handle the flea dirt carefully by picking it up with a paper towel.

What are the complications of a flea infestation in dogs?

Flea bites can be itchy and can leave your dog very uncomfortable. Fleas can also lead to complications like tapeworm, dermatitis, secondary infections, and anemia in your dog.

In addition, fleas can fall off your dog and infest your carpet and furniture. Fleas are known to cause diseases such as flea-borne typhus in humans.

Under the right conditions, fleas can survive in the environment for weeks or even months without a host, which is why they are so difficult to get rid of.

How to get rid of flea bites on a dog?

If you notice flea bites on your dog’s skin or see fleas, contact your veterinarian without delay. Your vet can prescribe medications to control the symptoms of an allergy, if present. They can also guide you on how to remove the fleas from your dog’s skin. Flea combs are often the most cost effective and practical solution, but sprays, dips, rubs, washes, and sachets are available as well.

There are dog shampoos and other products that can help control the itching from flea bites and help keep your dog remain comfortable. These products contain natural or prescription-strength itch-relief ingredients that are soothing and can provide relief to a flea-infested pooch.

Keep in mind that it can take several weeks to months to get rid of all the fleas in your environment. While flea treatment is ongoing, you should prohibit your dog from sleeping with you in your bed or lying on your furniture.

What kills fleas on dogs naturally?

Some essential oils like peppermint, citronella, eucalyptus, rosemary, and tea tree are natural repellants for fleas. You can dilute some water in a spray bottle with a few drops of essential oil and spray it on your dog’s coat. Lemon baths are also effective and keep your dog smelling fresh. Organic soaps are another thing worth considering if you want a natural remedy for fleas in dogs. Always check with your vet before using a natural flea preventative or treatment for your dog.

How to prevent fleas in dogs?

There are many flea prevention products available on the market, from collars to pills. Using these flea prevention measures is a lot easier than getting rid of a flea infestation in your dog.

15 December, 2022