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What Do Prairie Dogs Eat?

Did you know that prairie dogs are not dogs at all? Read on to find out what kind of animals they are and what do prairie dogs eat.

What kind of animal is a prairie dog?

Prairie dogs are ground-dwelling herbivorous squirrels that are native to North American grasslands. They are rodents and are closely related to ground squirrels, marmots, and gophers. But they are called prairie “dogs” because of their warning calls which sound very similar to a dog’s bark. The scientific name for the prairie dog, Cynomys, means “dog mouse” in Greek. Another name for prairie dogs is barking squirrels.

What do prairie dogs eat?

Prairie dogs eat mainly grasses and flowering plants that provide nutrition and hydration. In addition to eating vegetation, prairie dogs also clip the vegetation in their habitat. Experts say this is to provide them with an unobstructed view of any potential predators. They are voracious eaters and 250 prairie dogs can consume as much grass as a large (1000-pound) cow.

Do prairie dogs eat meat?

Prairie dogs are herbivores (vegetarians). However, they will kill squirrels who are their rivals.

Can you have a prairie dog as a pet?

Prairie dogs are becoming popular as pets. They are small, adorable, active, playful, and affectionate animals that Teddy Roosevelt called “the most noisy and inquisitive animals imaginable.” A prairie dog can make a wonderful pet if brought into the family when young and properly socialized.

What can I feed a prairie dog?

Commercial prairie dog feed is available. In addition, you can feed your prairie dog grasses and hays which are their staple diet in the wild. They can also be given small portions of fruits and vegetables like apples, sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, broccoli, kale, and bok choy. Just like some human foods can be dangerous for dogs, tablet food can be dangerous for a prairie dog. Never give a pet prairie dog foods like pizza, potato chips, cereals, breads, nuts, or dog biscuits.

What do prairie dogs drink?

Wild prairie dogs rarely drink water. They get their hydration from the vegetation they consume. However, pet prairie dogs who live in heated or cooled homes may need a water bottle with a lick spout or a small dish of water in their cage.

Are prairie dogs noisy?

Prairie dogs will make loud noises like squeaks and yips when being chased or during play.

Do prairie dogs cuddle?

Prairie dogs enjoy human contact and like to be held, cuddled, and petted.

Fun facts about wild prairie dogs

  • Prairie dogs only have one litter every year. They breed in March and April and give birth 4-5 weeks later. Each litter contains 2-8 young ones.
  • During the cold winter months, prairie dogs go into a period of torpor (dormancy) with decreased activity and appetite. They sleep for several days at a time, but may be active on milder days, so it is not a true hibernation.
  • Prairie dogs have almost a dozen distinct calls, including specific sounds that warn others of approaching prey.
  • They live in complex underground burrows that are well ventilated and have designated areas for the nursery, living room, toilet, etc. A sentry guards the entry to active burrows.
  • They are social animals and live in groups called coteries which typically consist of an adult male and two or three adult females with their young ones.
  • Prairie dogs greet each other with a kiss where they go up on their hind legs and rub noses or lock teeth with one another.
  • Hawkes, eagles, foxes, weasels, badgers, bobcats, ferrets, and coyotes are common predators of prairie dogs in the wild.
  • Cottontail rabbits, some burrowing owls, and several small rodents use vacant prairie dog burrows.
  • Prairie dogs are ecologically important. Habitats with healthy prairie dog populations have more grasshopper sparrows, meadowlarks, and other birds because of the easy access to seeds and insects in the open spaces.
06 December, 2022