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Why Do Dogs Scratch Their Beds?

Many dogs scratch their beds. Sometimes, they will dig on their bed or couch before laying down. This is normal instinctual canine behavior. Here are some common reasons why your dog scratches the bed.

Why does my dog scratch at her bed?

There could be several different reasons why your dog scratches at her bed.

Territorial and scent marking behavior

The most likely reason is that she is marking her territory. Dogs have scent glands on the bottoms of their feet that secrete pheromones. By scratching her bed, your dog is spreading her scent and marking the bed as her own, telling other dogs and animals to stay away.

This scent marking and territorial behavior is similar to guarding food bowls, urine marking, territorial barking or lunging, and running along fences or boundaries. These behaviors are all done to tell other dogs, “This is my territory. Stay off.”

Ancestral behavior remnant from wolves

Bed scratching behavior can also be a remnant from a dog’s wolf ancestors. Wolves are known to dig an area before laying down. This helps them keep warm on cold nights and cool on warm nights. Plus, a shallow hole helps them hidden from predators and allows them to sleep in peace. Domestic pets may scratch their beds simply because they are hardwired to do so.

Burrowing instinct

Your dog may be following her burrowing instincts when she scratches her bed. Breeds like Dachshunds and Terriers are more likely to do this.

Nesting instinct

Sometimes female dogs scratch the bed when they’re about to give birth. This is a nesting instinct that can happen around the time of delivery to create a soft, warm spot for the litter.

Getting comfortable

Sometimes, a dog will scratch his bed unconsciously. This may be simply to create a more comfortable resting place by moving the bedding around and getting rid of lumps. Or it could be for comfort. It’s the same reason dogs sometimes build a fort with their blanket.

Being naughty

Some dogs will scratch their bed because they’re trying to hide something, like a shoe that they’ve chewed or a food item they’ve stolen. Any dog can do this, but some of the naughtiest dog breeds are more likely to hide things by scratching their beds.

Relieving stress

Dogs can do all kinds of things to try and reduce anxiety. Scratching the bed is one such behavior that helps some dogs relieve tension. Other signs of stress include pacing, barking, panting, trembling, and licking.

How do I get my dog to stop scratching the bed?

If your dog is scratching your bed and bothering you or destroying your bed linen, there are a few things you can do to discourage the behavior.

First, check if the temperature is too warm or too cold for your dog. Sometimes the bed scratching behavior is because your dog wants to stay warm or cool off.

You can also try giving your dog an open crate or box to relax. This will give him a place to mark as his own if the bed scratching is territorial behavior. You can encourage him to use the crate by offering treats every time he sleeps or rests in it.

Another strategy is to keep your bedroom door closed when you’re not around to supervise a bed scratcher pooch. You can also try tucking in the blankets to make the bed scratching habit less destructive.

If your dog is scratching the bed due to burrowing instincts, a sand box or similar toy may help reduce the habit by giving your pooch a chance to dig to his heart’s content.

Do I need to take my dog to the vet for bed scratching?

As long as your dog’s bed scratching behavior is not obsessive, there is nothing to worry about. However, if you feel your dog is scratching his bed excessively, talk to the vet about possible causes. Sometimes, anxiety in dogs can result in obsessive behaviors like bed scratching.

Or it could simply be attention seeking behavior. If you’ve been scolding your dog for scratching his bed. Try ignoring him when he scratches his bed and see if the habit subsides.

13 December, 2022