Puppy Hero

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Why Do Dogs Sleep with Their Bum Facing You?

You may have noticed your dog sleeping in different positions. Some pooches favor one sleeping posture over another. But what does it mean when your dog sleeps with their bum facing you?

My dog sleeps with his bum facing me. What’s going on?

If your dog sleeps with her bum facing you, the good news is that your pooch feels loved and secure. Sleeping with the bum facing a person is a position of vulnerability for dogs. The fact that your dog does it with you means she trusts you, she feels safe, and she does not fear exposing her vulnerable side to you. But there could be other reasons for your dog sleeping with her bum towards you.

Other Reasons for a Dog Sleeping with the Bum Facing You

  • Your dog trusts you.
  • Your dog is seeking affection and wants to be petted.
  • He or she is avoiding eye contact after being naughty.
  • They’re being protective by keeping an eye out for you.
  • He or she is avoiding a hug or ventral contact (touching on the face or chest).
  • They are marking their scent.
  • Because sleeping with the bum facing you is comfortable.
  • You’ve encouraged it with positive reinforcement in the past.
  • They want to be left alone.
  • Something on their behind is bothering them (anal glands, fleas or ticks on the tail).

Should I be worried if my dog sleeps with his bum facing me?

Unless you suspect some medical issues in the anal area, it’s perfectly okay for your dog to sleep with his bum facing you. Dogs will sleep in many different sleeping positions, and while they all can mean something, it is usually harmless behavior.

But if your goofy pooch puts his bum next to your face while sleeping, it can be quite smelly and uncomfortable. First, rule out any medical issues. If the vet gives you the all clear, gently discourage the behavior with positive reinforcement methods, i.e., give him a treat when he complies with a command to turn around. Also, make sure you are not encouraging your dog to sleep with his bum facing you by petting him when he does it.

08 December, 2022