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Why Do Dogs Sneeze When Playing?

Have you noticed your dog sneezing when she’s playing with other dogs and humans? Are you wondering what’s going on and whether it’s normal? Here’s why dogs sneeze when playing.

Why do dogs sneeze during play?

Many dogs sneeze when they’re playing. This is normal, playful behavior and is nothing to worry about. Dogs sneeze while playing to show excitement. So, if your pooch is play sneezing, it just means she is having a good time. Some dogs will even get hiccups during these periods of excitement.

You can recognize a play sneeze from its short snort-like sound. It happens because your dog curls her lip during a fun activity, which in turn causes the nose to wrinkle and results in a sneeze.

Some dogs will sneeze when the intensity of play begins to escalate. This is a cue to the playmate to keep things light and fun.

What are some other reasons that dogs sneeze?

There can be numerous reasons for a dog to sneeze. The most common thing that makes dogs sneeze is allergies. The sneezing could be in response to a common allergen like pollen, dust, your perfume, or a household product. Some dogs will sneeze after rolling in the grass and getting their nose in dirt.

If your dog is sneezing a lot, try to identify what is triggering it. For example, if your dog sneezes when you spray something in the air, avoid doing it around your pooch. If you can’t figure out what’s causing the sneezing, your vet can diagnose and treat potential allergies and help to control the sneezing.

A cold or other health problems can also cause a dog to sneeze, just like humans. A mild cold typically resolves on its own in a few days. If the sneezing does not go away in a few days, get it checked out by the vet. Your dog’s vet can rule out more serious problems like a growth in the nasal passages or some other obstruction.

Sometimes, a dog will “fake sneeze” for attention. This is more likely to happen at mealtimes or when it’s time for a walk. If your dog looks straight at you while sneezing or moves closer to you before sneezing, it could mean they want to get your attention.

Do some breeds sneeze more than others?

Yes, breeds like Bulldogs, Pugs, Boston Terriers, and Pekingese are more prone to sneezing because of the shape of their muzzle which compresses their nasal passages. Terriers can also reverse sneeze, i.e., inhale suddenly and repeatedly through the nose when exposed to environmental irritants.

Should I be worried about my dog sneezing?

If the sneezing is occasional and short lived, it’s probably nothing to worry about. But if your dog is sneezing a lot or sneezing violently or has other symptoms, you should get her checked out by the vet. Concerning symptoms that should be evaluated include a thick nasal discharge, blood from the nose, nasal swelling, fever, lethargy, and loss of appetite.

What is the treatment for sneezing in dogs?

The treatment for sneezing in dogs depends on the underlying cause. If allergies are causing your dog to sneeze a lot, your vet may prescribe nasal decongestants or antihistamines. If there is some kind of growth (polyp or tumor) or a foreign body in the nasal passages, surgery may be needed.

What can I give my dog for allergies without going to the vet? Is Benadryl safe for dogs?

The antihistamine medicine Benadryl is generally safe and effective in dogs and can provide quick relief from allergies and sneezing. This medicine is available over-the-counter (without a prescription). Be sure to check with your vet or read the package instructions carefully for the right dosage for your dog’s size.

10 December, 2022