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Why is My Dog’s Eye Swollen?

If your dog’s eye is swollen, you might be really stressed. Or you might be tempted to brush it off as a temporary irritation. But eye swelling in dogs is not something to be ignored. It can be a sign of something serious. Keep reading to find out why your dog’s eye could be swollen and what you should do about it.

What causes eye swelling in dogs?

The most reason for eye swelling in dogs is eye infection. In addition to swelling, it can lead to redness and discomfort. There are different types of eye infections in dogs.

Conjunctivitis or pink eye is a common eye condition in both dogs and humans. It is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, a thin membrane that covers the eye.

Uveitis is an inflammation of the internal structures of the eye. It is a deep infection and can occur due to viruses, cancers, or tick-borne diseases.

Other parts of your dog’s eye can also become infected, for example, the cornea (keratitis), eyelids (blepharitis), or tear glands (dacryoadenitis).

Injuries, including minor cuts and scrapes, can also cause your dog’s eye to become swollen.

It’s important to take your dog to the vet if you notice eye swelling. The vet can figure out what’s going on and treat your dog’s swollen eye appropriately.

Why is only one of my dog’s eyes swollen?

If a foreign object or irritant has entered your dog’s eye, it can cause inflammation and swelling in one eye. Similarly, conjunctivitis is often limited to one eye, although it can occasionally occur in both eyes. In contrast, eye swelling due to allergies tends to occur on both sides.

Should I worry if my dog’s eye is swollen?

You should call your veterinarian immediately if one or both of your dog’s eyes are swollen. Based on other signs and symptoms, your vet may recommend simple home treatments like warm compresses and saline eye drops. If allergies are causing your dog’s eyes to swell, the vet may prescribe an oral antihistamine such as diphenhydramine for relief. Many things can cause your dog’s eye to be swollen. The best person to diagnose the cause of your dog’s swollen eye and give the proper treatment is your vet.

Will my dog’s eye infection heal itself?

Your dog’s eye infection will not heal itself. Left untreated, it can lead to complications like vision impairment and even blindness. Your vet can prescribe antibiotics, if necessary. Most eye infections in dogs can be easily treated. It is very rare for a dog to require surgery for an eye infection.

How can I treat my dog’s eye infection at home?

You should not try to treat your dog’s eye infection at home without talking to the vet first. If your vet tells you it is safe, you can use saline eye drops to flush out any irritants. These drops can provide relief from eye symptoms like swelling and redness in dogs. They can be purchased over-the-counter at pharmacies and pet stores.

Can I use human eye drops on my dog?

Never use human eye drops on your dog. They can potentially cause pain, significant damage, and even blindness. In fact, not only eye drops but many other human medications are not safe for dogs. This is especially true for delicate areas like the eye or putting a cream on your dog’s sore bum. Always check with your vet before using eye drops or other medications made for humans on your dog.

What kind of eye drops are safe for dogs?

There are eye drops especially formulated for our canine companions. These include lubricating eye drops like Remend and Refresh Optive and sterile eye washes like Viscotears and Miracle Care. Check with your dog’s vet before using any product in your dog’s eye.

How do I get rid of my dog’s swollen eye?

Your vet is the best person to tell you how to get rid of your dog’s swollen eye. The treatment for a swollen eye in dogs depends on the cause. Most eye problems that cause eye swelling in dogs can be treated with medications. Surgery is very rarely required.

How long will a dog’s eye infection last?

Most eye infections in dogs resolve in 5-7 days with the proper treatment. However, sometimes viral conjunctivitis can last longer, up to 4 weeks. In addition, eye symptoms due to allergies can last throughout allergy season as long as your dog is exposed to allergens in the environment. Medications are available to keep your dog comfortable by treating eye swelling and other symptoms caused by allergies.

Stay tuned to the Puppy Hero blog for more information on caring for your dog. In the meantime, read why a female dog’s private area could be swollen and other informative blogs.

10 January, 2023