Maltese Maryland Maltese in Maryland pawshmaltese at gmailcom Cuddles
Breed: Maltese Cuddles
Female 2 years

pawshmaltese at gmailcom


Birthday: July 7, 2023
Mom's Weight: 4 lbs
Color: White
Available: Now
Dad's Weight: 3 lbs
Variety: ALC & CKC Maltese only lineage - purebred pedigree - champion bloodline

About puppy

Pawsh Maltese is the leading breeder providing gorgeous, healthy, small frame, FULLY VACCINATED, champion bloodline, show dog quality, Maltese lineage ONLY, house trained, potty pad and outdoor trained Maltese to responsible breeders and loving families. We have provided breeders to numerous pet parents that have working dogs (modeling/acting), breeders (Marisol’s Maltese, Sugarface Pets, Pedigree Maltese, Korean Maltese, and wonderful families who deserve all the recognition for being the very best I could hope for. Thank you to all our clients, you are the very best.