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Why Do Dogs Dig on Beds and Couches?

If your dog has a habit of digging your bed or couch, it can quickly become annoying. Plus, the digging habit can destroy your nice cushions and rip your bed linen. So, what’s going on? Why do dogs like to dig on beds and couches? Read on to find out.

Is digging a natural behavior for dogs?

Digging is a natural and instinctual behavior for dogs. It dates back to their ancestors who had to fend for themselves in the wild. Certain dog breeds like terriers are big diggers because this trait has been developed by humans to train them as hunting companions.

Why is my dog digging in my bed?

Comfort and Protection

Dogs dig on beds and couches because it is an instinctual behavior. When they lived in the wild, dogs had to protect themselves from the elements and from predators. As a result, they would dig shallow holes to shelter during cold weather, lie in cool dirt in hot weather, find water, and be less visible to predators.

Modern-day domestic dogs don’t need to do protect or comfort themselves in this way, but the behavior continues, harking back to their days in the wild.

So, now dogs dig on beds and couches for comfort and protection. And, of course, to snuggle next to their favorite humans.

Scent marking

Dogs will sometimes dig on beds and couches to leave their smell there and mark the furniture as their territory. This can be a way of exerting dominance over other animals in the household. The scent glands on the paws leave behind a dog’s distinctive smell and signal to other dogs that this is “my spot.”

Do dogs dig because of anxiety?

Separation anxiety in dogs can indeed lead to digging and other destructive behaviors like chewing. If the digging on beds and couches is problematic, try not to leave your pet alone for long periods of time. Also, make sure your dog has enough mental stimulation when you're away.

Do dogs dig when they’re bored?

Some dogs dig to relieve boredom. If your dog is digging on beds and couches, it can be a sign that she isn’t getting enough physical exercise or mental stimulation. Try to keep her busy with some interactive toys and take her for longer walks. Or maybe add a play session in the yard to her routine to help burn excess energy.

How do I stop my dog from digging on the couch?

If your dog has been digging and destroying your couch, there are a couple of strategies you can try.

Make your nice stuff smell bad for your dog. Some essential oils have scents that dogs simply cannot stand. You can also use a taste deterrent such as bitter apple. Placing these on your furniture can make it less appealing to your pooch. Just be sure to check with the vet before you use anything, because many household substances are toxins for dogs.

The other thing worth trying is a sandbox to channel your dog’s digging instinct. The American Kennel Club also has sports that provide dogs with safe spaces to dig.

Which dog breeds dig the most?

Terriers are trained to dig. Other dog breeds that have a tendency to dig include Dachshunds, Beagles, Miniature Schnauzers, Siberian Huskies, Wirehaired Pointing Griffons, Border Collies, and Malamutes.

While a small amount of scratching his own bed is acceptable, if your dog is digging on your couch or bed a lot, it can be a nuisance and an expensive habit. Try the tips mentioned above and see if they work.

28 December, 2022