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Why Do Dogs Eat Their Vomit?

A rather disgusting behavior that is quite common in dogs is eating their own vomit. Here’s why they do it.

Why do dogs eat their own vomit?

Dogs eat their own vomit because to them it is a source of food. You go “yuck” when you see a pile of vomit, but your dog goes “yum” because he smells and recognizes all the food in the vomit. Remember, dogs have a much keener sense of smell than humans.

Regurgitation versus vomiting in dogs: What’s the difference?

It’s called regurgitation if your dog throws up the food before it ever reaches the stomach. Regurgitated food looks like chewed food mixed with saliva.

It’s called vomiting if your dog throws up partially digested food from the stomach. This is typically a yellow liquid with some small solid food particles in it.

What are the causes of vomiting in dogs?

Many things can cause regurgitation or vomiting in dogs, some of which are listed below:

  • Eating too quickly
  • Eating large pieces of food
  • Stomach bugs or infections
  • Ingesting something harmful
  • Medical conditions like esophageal (food pipe) inflammation or obstruction, stomach ulcers, intestinal conditions, kidney disease, liver disease, and others

If your dog is vomiting frequently or the vomiting is accompanied by other symptoms such as loss of appetite, weight loss, difficulty swallowing, poor energy, or coughing, contact your vet without delay.

Should I be worried if my dog eats his vomit?

Eating undigested regurgitated food is not harmful for your dog. In fact, mother dogs sometimes chew food and regurgitate it to feed to their puppies.

With that said, a dog eating his own vomit can be dangerous and may be a sign of illness. For example, if your dog has ingested something harmful like a toxin which made him vomit, then eating his vomit will make his symptoms worse.

Also, partially digested food contains stomach acids that can damage your dog’s esophagus (food pipe) if he eats his own vomit.

And, of course, when your dog eats his vomit, it is inconvenient for you to clean up the mess. There are some things you can do to discourage this behavior.

How do I stop my dog from eating his vomit?

If your dog is eating his vomit frequently, it’s important to find out what is making him eat vomit in the first place. Once the veterinarian has ruled out any underlying health conditions, you can try the following strategies:

  1. Give your dog smaller portions of food to eat. Sometimes, dogs will wolf down food when they feel they have a lot to get through. This can lead to vomiting, and then your dog may be tempted to eat his own vomit.
  2. If smaller portions don’t work, try a maze or another toy that makes your dog work to get to his kibble.
  3. In households with multiple dogs, it may help to place their feeding bowls some distance from each other. This helps to reduce competition for food, which can be a reason for your dog eating fast, vomiting, and then eating his own vomit.
  4. Lastly, if your dog vomits or regurgitates food, clean the mess as soon as possible. This will help prevent your dog from eating his vomit.

Wrapping up

As adorable as they are, dogs can have some pretty disgusting habits. If you have ever gone eww after finding your dog eating cat poop, rolling in poop, or rolling in a dead animal, you know what we’re talking about. But there is usually a good reason for these behaviors. So, now you know why dogs eat their vomit, when to see the vet, and how to discourage this behavior.

28 December, 2022