Puppy Hero

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Why Do Dogs Roll in Poop?

If your dog has a habit of rolling in poop and it’s grossing you out, well… it’s actually a normal thing. Dogs love stinky things – poop, garbage, rotting food, and prey (dead or alive).

But when it comes to rolling in poop specifically, experts believe this behavior, called scent masking, is a remnant from their ancestors, wolves. Wild wolves have been observed to roll in poop to mask their scent. This allows them to sneak up on their prey undetected during a hunt.

So, when your pet dog rolls in poop, he is simply following an ancestral instinct. Some dogs roll in poop to mark their territory. It’s a way of communicating and telling other dogs that he or she has been there.

How can I stop my dog rolling in poop?

It may well be an ancestral hangover, but your dog rolling in poop is nasty. In fact, we think it’s right up there with dogs eating cat poop in the list of disgusting behaviors. So, what can you do to discourage your dog from rolling in poop?

Here are some tips:

  • Be an efficient pooper scooper. Pick up after your dog as soon as she is finished with her business.
  • Teach your dog the “leave it” command and use it when she looks like she is getting ready to roll in poop.
  • Distract your dog when she starts to roll in poop.
  • Use a short leash or harness.

It may not be possible to completely eliminate poop rolling incidents, but these tips should help you minimize them and the need for unscheduled baths.

03 December, 2022