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Why Do Dogs Lick Your Hands?

Does your dog lick your hands when you come back home after work? Or when you’re cuddled up in front of the TV? Have you ever wondered why she does it? Here are some of the reasons your dog licks your hands.

What does it mean when my dog licks my hands?

A dog may be licking your hands for a number of reasons, such as:

  • To show affection and bond with you.
  • To welcome you back and greet you after a period of separation.
  • For attention.
  • To express empathy or concern towards you.
  • To gauge your mood from pheromones secreted by your sweat glands.
  • To demonstrate submission (wild dogs and wolves lick the pack leader to show submission, obedience, and companionship).
  • For comfort if the dog is anxious.
  • To investigate smells (human hands can have traces of food and other interesting scents).
  • Because you taste good (that last bit of food on your hands can be the reason for the hand licking).
  • Some dogs lick instinctively (this is a remnant of behavior of their wild ancestors where puppies were fed by licking their parents).
  • To groom you (dogs consider humans as members of their pack).
  • Excessive licking of your hands, feet, or other surfaces around the house may indicate anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Should I be worried if my dog licks my hands?

As you can see from the above list, most of the reasons why a dog licks your hands are harmless or even positive experiences. However, if the hand licking behavior is excessive or your dog shows other symptoms of anxiety, such as lack of energy or loss of appetite, consult your vet.

If the vet rules out any underlying mental health issues, you can train your dog to prevent excessive licking of the hands. First of all, ignore your dog if you suspect she licks your hands to get attention. If this doesn’t work, try to firmly use the “no” command. This will tell your dog you don’t want to be licked and she will learn not to do it. Another effective strategy to stop your dog licking your hands is to give her something like a bone to chew on. This will redirect her attention and ultimately put a stop the hand licking behavior.

An extreme measure for a dog that licks your hands is to put something bitter on your hands. This strategy is only for the most compulsive lickers, however.

Dogs love to show their affection towards you and sometimes do it in strange and indecipherable ways. For example, your pooch may put his paw on you and leave you wondering what’s going on. Interestingly, many dogs will lick your feet, but this is for somewhat different reasons than why dogs lick your hands.

16 December, 2022