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Is a Kangal Shepherd Dog a Good Family Dog?

You may have heard about the Kangal Shepherd Dog as a fierce, strong, loyal, and protective companion. But there is some important information about this breed that you should know before you bring a Kangal Shepherd puppy home. Please keep reading to find out if a Kangal is a good family dog.

What two dogs make a Kangal?

The Kangal Shepherd Dog originated in Turkey. Kangals are loyal and protective by nature, and this breed was traditionally used to guard livestock. A Lieutenant in the US Navy who was stationed in Turkey brought the first Kangals to the US in the 1970s. It is possible that most of the Kangals living in the US today are descendants of those two dogs, Peki and Zorba. They have become popular enough that there is a Kangal Shepherd Dogs breed club in the US now.

How many Kangals are there in the United States currently?

It’s impossible to say with any certainty how many Kangal Shepherd Dogs live in the United States currently. The exact count for any breed is difficult to predict because not all Kangals are registered. Plus, there can be differences on account of tracking and reporting about Kangals to the breed club. Moreover, there may be disagreements between various organizations or individuals about whether a particular dog is actually a Kangal Shepherd Dog. Given that the number of dogs of any breeds is a constantly changing number, it is challenging to know a precise count of Kangals in the US.

Is Kangal a good family dog?

The Kangal Shepherd Dog is not traditionally believed to be a family dog. This is a working dog that was bred to guard and herd livestock. However, Kangals can make good family dogs provided they are a good match for a family.

Kangal Shepherds are protective and loyal by nature and have confident personalities. They are intelligent and loving and form strong bonds with humans. These qualities make them ideal companions and family dogs.

Keep in mind, however, that each individual dog is unique. While breed characteristics can serve as a broad guide, every dog can have a different temperament and personality. So, a Kangal Shepherd Dog may or may not be suitable for your family.

Another thing worth remembering is that Kangal Shepherds are a large breed. They are powerful dogs that need training and socialization from an experienced person who has access to resources to care for such a dog.

Before getting a Kangal Shepherd, do some further research on the breed. If at all possible, try and spend some time with families that have Kangals already. This will give you a true picture of what it is like to have a Kangal Shepherd Dog in your home. Additionally, experienced breeders can help you understand if a Kangal Shepherd Dog will be right for your family.

What dog is called the wolf killer?

The Kangal Shepherd Dog is sometimes called the "wolf killer" because it is a strong, muscular breed that can kill wolves. Another name for Kangals is Karabas (which means black head). These dogs that are native to Turkey, were originally used to guard livestock from predators like wolves, hence the name.

Note that "wolf killer" is a somewhat misleading name for Kangals. While Kangal Shepherd Dogs are strong enough and brave enough to kill wolves, killing wolves is not their main role. Rather, they were bred to protect livestock by deterring predators.

Is Kangal the strongest dog in the world?

The Kangal Shepherd Dog is frequently listed amongst the strongest dog breeds in the world. These dogs are large and muscular and were bred to as working dogs to guard livestock from predators.

With that said, we cannot say that Kangals are the strongest dogs in the world. There are various factors that we must consider before conferring this title on any particular breed, such as size, build, energy, stamina, etc. Other breeds that are also strong contenders for the title of strongest dog in the world include the Mastiff, the Saint Bernard, and the Alaskan Malamute,

There are various factors to consider when choosing a dog breed, the most important ones being temperament, trainability, and adaptability to your family environment. Each dog breed has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. Whether a Kangal Shepherd Dog will be a good family dog for you will depend on your lifestyle.

11 February, 2023