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Why Do Dogs’ Feet Smell Like Fritos?

You bend down to clip your dog’s nails and notice an odor that is overwhelmingly like Fritos. Or your dog puts her paw on you and you get a whiff of corn chips. You may or may not mind the smell. In either case, you are probably wondering why your dog’s paws smell like Fritos. And whether it is a health problem you should be worried about. Keep reading to find out.

Do all dogs’ feet smell like corn chips?

Yes, according to veterinarians, all dogs’ feet smell like corn chips, some more than others. The characteristic Frito smell is from bacteria called Proteus and Pseudomonas which dogs pick up when walking around. The fur, moisture, and warmth in the paw area provides an ideal place for these bacteria to multiply. It is these bacteria that have a typical yeasty smell which humans associated with corn chips or Fritos.

Is Frito feet bad for dogs?

Frito feet are completely normal and nothing to worry about. The bacteria that cause the corn chip smell are not usually dangerous for your dog.

However, if the Frito smell is very strong, there could be something else going on. It’s best to have the vet take a look and rule out any health problems. In dogs with compromised immune systems or allergies, bacteria that are otherwise harmless can cause significant problems.

Take your dog to the vet without delay if you notice other signs and symptoms such as your dog’s paws smelling like cheese that’s gone bad, redness, swelling, bumps, limping, or excessive licking of the paws.

Once your vet has ruled out any health concerns, if the Frito smell from your dog’s paws continues to be bothersome, you can take steps to control it.

How do I stop my dog’s feet from smelling like corn chips?

The simplest solution is to keep your nose away from your dog’s feet. Train your dog to stay off the couch, for example, so that his stinky feet are not close enough to bother you.

With that said, many dog parents love to cuddle with their pet on the couch yet find the Frito paws unpleasant. In this case, a simple home remedy often works well to stop a dog’s feet from smelling like Fritos or corn chips.

All you have to do is mix 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide and 2 cups of white vinegar in a gallon of water. Soak your dog’s paws in this solution for around 30 seconds and pat dry (don’t rinse the paws). That’s it. You should notice a significantly less Frito smell from your dog’s paws.

How do you get rid of Frito paws?

Besides the solution described above, you can get rid of Frito paws by washing your dog’s feet regularly with a dog-safe shampoo. During baths, pay special attention to the area between the toes. Also, keep the hairs on the toes and the toenails trimmed short. This will help to control bacterial overgrowth on your dog’s paws, which is the underlying cause of Frito paws.

But veterinarians warn that you shouldn’t go overboard in washing your dog’s feet to get rid of the corn chip smell. This can cause skin problems. Instead, use unscented dog-safe wipes to clean your dog’s feet, especially after walks. This will help get rid of the bacteria that cause Frito feet in dogs.

Do not spray perfume or deodorant on your dog’s paws. This can lead to skin allergies. It can also be very uncomfortable for your dog. Remember, a dog’s sense of smell is up to 100,000 times stronger than ours. As a result, strong smells like perfumes can be very distressing and unpleasant for dogs.

05 January, 2023