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Why Do Dogs Snore?

Your dog is a beloved member of your family. You love your furry friend to the moon and back. And while some of your pooch’s habits are cute, like when your dog sneezes while playing, others not so much.

Some of your dog’s habits can actually drive you mad. We’re taking about things like your dog smelling butts and rolling in poop.

Another habit that is slightly less disgusting but equally annoying is your dog snoring. If your dog’s loud snores are keeping you up all night, here’s what could be going on.

Is it normal if my dog snores?

Snoring in dogs can be perfectly normal, but it could also be a sign of an underlying health condition in some cases.

Dogs snore for the same reason that humans snore. Loud snoring is caused by restricted airflow through the nasal passages and throat when the animal is asleep. So, for example, if your dog is sleeping on his back, his tongue can fall back towards his throat and cause a blockage to airflow, resulting in snoring.

This type of snoring in dogs is typically harmless and normal. However, certain health problems can also lead to snoring in dogs. So, snoring should be properly evaluated and the health condition treated.

Should I worry if my dog snores?

If your dog has always snored, it is probably nothing to worry about. However, if the snoring is new, very loud, or accompanied by other symptoms, you should take your dog to the vet and get her checked out.

Why does my dog snore loudly?

If your dog is snoring loudly, it means the air is vibrating as it passes his nose and throat, causing the sounds. This could be due to various things, such as:

  • An upper respiratory infection that is clogging the nose and sinuses, making it more difficult for air to flow freely.
  • Allergies that are causing swelling in the nasal passages and limiting airflow.
  • Obesity which is resulting in thickening of tissues of the neck and throat, causing obstruction to the flow of air.
  • A tooth abscess which is causing swelling and inflammation in the mouth and nose.
  • An underactive thyroid gland which is causing snoring and other symptoms like dry skin, lack of energy, intolerance to cold, and weight gain.
  • A growth in your dog’s nose or throat that is preventing free flow of air.

Do dogs snore when they are happy?

If your dog snores softly and is generally happy, healthy, and energetic with a good appetite, then the snoring may simply be a sign of a relaxed and happy pooch.

Which dog breeds snore the most?

Some dog breeds snore more than others. The breeds that are the loudest snorers (and loud breathers in general) can sound like a train and keep you up all night. These are dog breeds that have a short nose and include Boxers, Pugs, Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Shih Tzus, and Boston Terriers.

How to stop my dog snoring?

If the snoring is loud and bothersome, get your dog checked out by the vet to rule out any treatable health conditions.

If the vet gives you the all-clear, your dog may be snoring simply because of his sleeping position. If he is sleeping on his back, gently nudge him so he rolls over.

On the other hand, if your dog is snoring because she’s overweight, work out a weight loss plan for her.

If allergies are causing your dog to snore, try wiping her nose with a wet wipe after trips outdoors. This can help remove some of the allergens. Also, wash her bedding regularly and consider using air filters or air conditioning to keep her environment pollen- and dust-free. A cool mist humidifier can also help keep your pet’s nasal passages moist and prevent loud snoring in your dog.

16 December, 2022