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What Can I Put on My Dog to Relieve Itching? Home Remedies

Itchy skin, whether it is from dry skin or a bug bite, can leave you feeling miserable. Scratching provides temporary relief but only makes the underlying problem worse. Like humans, dogs too feel miserable when they have itchy skin. It can make the scratch, lick, bite, chew, or rub the area constantly, which can lead to skin infections. If your pooch is suffering from itchy skin, here are some home remedies that might help.

What causes itchy skin in dogs?

Common causes of itchy skin in dogs are food and environmental allergies and parasites (fleas, ticks, mites). Some dogs have naturally dry, flaky skin that needs intensive moisturizing to remain itch-free.

What can I give my dog for itchy skin?

Before you try any home remedies for a dog’s itchy skin, remember that it’s important to consult a veterinarian. Your vet can identify the underlying cause of the itch and treat it. Home remedies for itchy skin in dogs can provide temporary relief but will not cure the condition. If needed, the vet can give your dog a prescription medicine for treatment.

Chamomile and Green Tea Soaks

Chamomile and green tea have anti-inflammatory properties and can soothe itchy skin in dogs. You can fill a bathtub with lukewarm water and steep several teabags in it. Allow your dog to sit in the water for 5-10 minutes. If your dog has a specific itchy patch of skin, you can try placing a cooled teabag directly on the area.

Apple Cider Vinegar

The acidic nature of ACV works well against yeast infections in the skin. Make a 50:50 solution of apple cider vinegar and plain water and spray it on the affected areas where your dog is itching. You can also make a soak for your dog’s itchy paws. However, do not apply apple cider vinegar on broken, raw, or irritated skin or open wounds. Never use undiluted ACV as this can be harmful. Also, do not add ACV to your dog’s drinking water because the acid can damage their teeth and cause gastrointestinal upset.

Colloidal Oatmeal Baths

A colloidal oatmeal shampoo can wash away allergens that may be trapped in your dog’s fur. This can help relieve red, itchy skin caused by allergies. You can make your own colloidal oatmeal by grinding the oat to a fine powder and boiling it to extract the colloid. Oatmeal shampoo for dogs is also available to purchase in pet stores. You can even massage some oatmeal directly onto a particularly bad itchy patch and let it sit for 10 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water, dry with a towel, and brush your dog’s fur.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has a soothing, cooling, and healing effect on red, swollen, itchy skin. You can apply aloe vera gel directly on an itchy spot on your dog’s skin. Aloe vera can be purchased from stores or you can make your own from a plant at home. If you’re using store-bough aloe vera, read the ingredients carefully to ensure it doesn’t contain alcohol as this can cause further irritation.

Fish Oil

The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil have anti-inflammatory properties and may help with your dog’s itchy skin. Giving your dog a fish oil supplement in the form of a capsule can also have other health benefits, such as for the coat, joints, heart, and brain. Choose fish oil products that come from sardines or anchovies. Farm-raised salmon have poor quality fish oils.

Special Diets

If your dog is prone to itchy skin, consider trying a dog food brand that is especially formulated for skin health. These dog foods typically have a higher omega-3 content and antioxidants to support skin health. If your dog has food allergies that may be causing itchy skin, try choosing limited-ingredient or single-protein-source diets to eliminate potential allergens.

Is coconut oil good for a dog’s itchy skin?

While there are anecdotal reports that coconut oil can help dogs with itchy skin, research does not support this claim. Rather, fatty foods like coconut oil can cause gastrointestinal upset in some dogs and put them at risk of pancreatitis if they lick it off the skin. Plus, it adds unwanted calories to their diet.

Will baking soda help my dog stop itching?

A thick paste of baking soda mixed with water can reduce redness, inflammation, and itching in your dog’s skin. Leave it on for around 20 minutes and then rinse off. Adding a little bit of coconut oil to the mix can help relieve dry skin.

How do you stop itching fast?

The fastest way to stop itching in dogs is to identify the cause and treat it. So, for example, if your dog is itching because of fleas or ticks, your vet can recommend topical (creams) or oral (pills) for treatment. If dry skin is making your dog itchy, they can recommend moisturizers that also have antibacterial properties. Do not give your dog any medications without checking with a vet, especially medications meant for humans. Even widely available over-the-counter medications such as Benadryl can be fatal at high doses.

When to call the vet for my dog’s itchy skin?

Most home remedies for itchy skin in dogs are symptomatic treatments or preventative. They do not cure the root cause of the problem. You should call the vet without delay if your dog has repeated bouts of itchy skin without an obvious cause or if the itchy skin is accompanied by red, scabby, painful, or smelly skin. It could be a bacterial or fungal infection that needs to be treated with antibiotics, antifungals, steroids, or other prescription medications. (If your dog has a wound or infection, read these tips on stopping a dog from licking pus).

Which dog breeds are prone to itchy skin?

All dogs can develop itchy skin, but some breeds are genetically more prone to this problem than others. Dog breeds more likely to suffer from itchy skin include bulldogs, boxers, dalmatians, cocker spaniels, poodles, pugs, and shih tzus.

25 January, 2024