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Why Do Dogs Nibble on You?

Those soulful eyes, floppy ears, wagging tail, and sweet temperament make it impossible not to fall in love with your dog (they are the cutest, right?).

In return, your dog shows affection and loyalty and bonds with you in many different ways. But sometimes you wonder what your dog is thinking and why he or she does certain things. For instance, why does your dog nibble on you? Read on and find out.

What is it called when a dog nibbles on you?

When a dog nibbles on you, it is simply called nibbling, but some people refer to it as ninnying, mouthing, love-biting, and various other terms. It’s even called corn-on-the-cobbing, specifically when your dog nibbles on your fingernails.

Why does my dog keep nibbling at me?

There can be various reasons for your dog to nibble on you, and fortunately, most of them are positive.

Showing affection

Dogs sometimes nibble on you to show you how much they love you. So, when a dog nibbles on you, he or she is telling you they’re comfortable around you. Other ways dogs will show love is by laying on your feet, putting their paw on you, and licking your hands.


Nibbling can also be a form of grooming, which dogs did for each other when they lived in the wild as pack animals. Animals that were lower in the pecking order in the pack groomed animals with a higher standing. So, if your dog nibbles on you, it could be as a mark of respect.


When a puppy is born, he or she is part of a litter, surrounded by brothers and sisters who nibble on each other. As a result, dogs think of nibbling as an acceptable form of play.

Getting attention

Sometimes, when your dog nibbles on you, he or she wants your attention. Again, this harks back to puppyhood when, as part of a litter, a pup will nibble on mom to get her attention. In fact, nibbling by puppies starts even before their teeth come out. And once the teeth are out, the mother dog teaches the pups restraint when they’re nibbling, so the pups learn pretty early in life what kind of pressure is acceptable when playfully nibbling at someone.

Do dogs show love by nibbling?

Yes, dogs sometimes show love by nibbling. It’s a sign of affection and they do it when they’re comfortable and having fun.

Should I let my dog nibble me?

Nibbling is normal behavior and does not cause any real harm. But most trainers say pet parents should discourage nibbling. While gentle nibbles are usually welcome and a great way to bond with your pooch, a dog can accidentally bite you if he or she gets overexcited while nibbling on you.

Also, if your dog nibbles on you excessively, there may be something else going on. For example, it could mean your doggo is bored and wants your attention. Some dogs will nibble on you because a toy isn’t available. If you think the nibbling is a bit too much, consider buying some interactive toys to keep your dog busy. This might just decrease the nibbling frequency.

If your dog’s nibbling has progressed into nipping at you or biting you, he or she will need some obedience training. First, rule out whether anything is causing fear or frustration in your pooch. For example, some dogs will nibble, nip, and bite due to separation anxiety.

How to stop my dog nibbling at me?

Normal play-nibbling can become troublesome at times. If it seems your dog is nibbling on you as a form of aggression, try positive reinforcement training. Make sure everyone in the family is on board and firmly say ”No” or make a high-pitched “yelping” sound every time your dog nibbles. Reward good behavior with a treat. Over time, your dog will understand that it is not acceptable behavior to nibble on you.

Wrapping up…

If your dog nibbles on you occasionally and it doesn’t hurt, it just means you are lucky enough to have a pooch who loves you as much as you love her. But if the nibbles are a little too frequent or painful, then dog trainers recommend some re-training. This will teach your dog that nibbling on you is not an acceptable way to play.

29 December, 2022